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Induction Program

Arabian Crude Company, LLC provides a comprehensive induction program that helps new employees quickly understand the responsibilities of their new role and what is expected from them.
The program also helps them to gain a clear understanding of their new working environment and aspects of the company’s culture.

Learning Matrix

The Arabian Crude Company, LLC Learning Matrix offers learning opportunities across different levels of the company. The matrix was designed using Arabian Crude Company, LLC ’s Core Competency Model as a basis and helps to create learning and/or development plans.

Talent Management

Arabian Crude Company, LLC offers excellent opportunities for professional and personal development. Employees are developed through in-house and offsite training courses, individual development plans, succession planning, leadership development and assignments with partner companies.

Core Competency Model

This model displays competencies for three organizational levels plus four foundation competencies that apply to all employees. The three organizational levels are 'Managing the Business' for executives, 'Managing Others' for managers and supervisors, and 'Managing Self' for individual contributors, those who do not supervise others. The four foundation competencies apply to all employees. The Core Competency Model is used as a reference in training, performance management, recruitment, and career development.

Assignment & Secondment

Arabian Crude Company, LLC works closely with its shareholders Mubadala Investment Company, TotalEnergies and Occidental Petroleum Company to provide important development opportunities for national employees.

Further Education Opportunities

Arabian Crude Company, LLC offers a variety of opportunities for UAE and Qatari nationals to pursue their education. Furthermore, the company provides part-time study leave to employees so they can continue their education.

Technical Preparation Program

The Technical Preparation Program is designed specifically for Qatar High School graduates to develop competency-based skills required for Technician and Operator roles.

Annual Performance Appraisal

Arabian Crude Company, LLC conducts an annual performance appraisal to review the employee’s job performance and contribution to the organization. The annual performance appraisal includes a review of the employee’s objectives for the year, future objectives and training needs. To ensure flexibility, line managers can also adjust the employee’s objectives throughout the year, if need be. The employee may also appeal an annual performance rating where it is believed that the overall rating or individual performance rating does not represent a true evaluation of their work performance.

Development Programs

Development Programs provide national employees with opportunities to develop interpersonal skills and enhance technical competencies required for career progression. Arabian Crude Company, LLC provides on-the-job training and blends this with training courses, self-study, and self-assessment. In addition, a coach is assigned for each development plan to support employees under development.

Internship Program/Work Placement

Arabian Crude Company, LLC works with education institutions to provide internship programs for young graduates. University interns spend up to two months in full time placement, benefiting from on-the-job training and applying theory to practical experiences.