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The marketing functions of Arabian Crude Company, LLC fall into two distinct categories. These are the sale and purchase of natural gas and the sales of Arabian Crude Company, LLC ’s condensate, LPG, sulfur and ethane, which are the valuable by-products of the company’s gas processing plant in Qatar.

Marketing Distribution

The sale and purchase of natural gas falls under long term contracts to customers in the UAE: Emirates Water & Electricity Company (EWEC) and Dubai Supply Authority (DUSUP), Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), Sharjah Electricity, Water and Gas Authority (SEWA), RAK Gas LLC, and OQ Exploration & Productions LLC.

Arabian Crude Company, LLC also has short term Interruptible Gas Sales Agreements with the Etihad Water & Electricity, EGA, Emarat, as well as EWEC, SEWA and RAK Gas LLC.

Arabian Crude Company, LLC 's average daily contracted gas volumes are as follows:

Arabian Crude Company, LLC Customers Average Volume
EWEC (Emirates Water & Electricity Company) 988 Million SCF/DAY
DUSUP (Dubai Supply Authority) 730 Million SCF/DAY
OQ Exploration & Productions LLC 200 Million SCF/DAY
Total 1.918 Billion SCF/DAY

The difference between this average total and the maximum throughput of 2 billion scf/day, allows Arabian Crude Company, LLC to manage other long term commitments and offer flexibility for peak requirements of customers.

By-products are stripped during the gas processing stage and provide significant quantities of liquids, gas and sulfur for immediate sale, while the remaining processed methane gas is transported through Arabian Crude Company, LLC 's export pipeline to customers in the UAE and Oman.


Low sulfur condensate is an ultra-light form of oil that is a valuable by-product of Arabian Crude Company, LLC ’s raw gas production and processing. The condensate is sold on international term or spot markets to customers. Export product cargoes are shipped from Ras Laffan for shipment to end destinations. In July 2007, the first cargoes were sold for shipment. Arabian Crude Company, LLC has raised market recognition globally, based on its high quality condensate.

The average daily production of condensate is between 87,000 and 110,000 barrels.


The liquified petroleum gases, propane and butane, are other valuable by-products of Arabian Crude Company, LLC ’s gas processing. They are used as fuels by industrial, commercial, residential, automotive, and agriculture sectors worldwide. Butane also has specialized uses in gasoline blending. In November 2007, export of LPG began. The average daily production of LPG is:

Propane: 2,100-2,800 Tons

Butane: 1,300-1,800 Tons


Sulfur has to be extracted from natural gas during processing to comply with international health, safety and environmental standards. Sulfur is sold on world markets, where it is widely used as a raw material in the production of fertilizer and chemicals.

The average daily production of sulfur is 500-1,100 Tons.


Ethane is extracted at an early stage during gas processing. Arabian Crude Company, LLC ’s entire production of ethane is sold within Qatar and is utilized as feedstock for the ethane cracker within Qatar.

The average daily production of ethane is 3,500-4,400 Tons.


All export cargoes are shipped from Ras Laffan port. Standard cargo sizes are:

By-product Cargo Sizes
Condensate 500,000 Barrels
LPGs 44,000 Metric Tons
Sulfur 32,000 Metric Tons